How does BEST PICKS work?

Pick 10 winners from the Top 25 fixtures from the latest week from Premier, Championship, League 1 & League 2.

Points will be calculated based on the following:

* 3 points for correctly picking winner

* 0 points for a draw

* -3 points for picking a loser.

The game will be run on a weekly basis.

The game will generally only include weekend games (Friday-Sunday)

The games will be available to play up to two weeks in advance.

The Best Picks game is run by Tuesday the following week and players will receive an email showing them their results and points scored.

Each player will appear in the League table (based on points achieved).  This will be accessible to view from the website.

The League table accumulates over the season. The season long table will also be able to view from the website.

No play...no points.


Do you think you can pick 10 winners every week out of the top 25 fixtures from that weekend?

How easy to get all 10 winners?  What if there weren't 10 winners?  

This is why we created BEST PICKS.

With BEST PICKS you still go for you 10 winners but this time you score points.  Get all 10 right that'll give you 30 points.

Get all 10 wrong (and actually pick 10 losers!) you'll bank -30!!

We've then made it even more fun and put all this into a weekly and season long table.  This means you get to compete against your friends and strangers.......so how well do YOU know football?